又是个失眠的夜晚,已经算不清是第几个失眠的夜。。尽管身躯已经疲惫不堪,脑袋空白,睡意哝哝的,但还是睡不着。。宁静的夜特别容意想起你。。想起你的好,也想起你的坏。。这更让我展转难眠。。每当失眠的夜, 都有种冲动想写封信给你,哪怕只是一句简单的问候。。但我始终拿不起勇气。。深怕那稍微复原的伤口又再度的破裂。。失眠是痛苦的。。失眠的夜晚思念你是痛上加痛。。愿这种痛赶快离我远远的。。

Giving up, why should I

I've come too far to forget
We're beautiful, we just got lost

Somewhere along the way
So much was missing when you went away
Let's start from here, lose the past
Change our minds, we don?t need a finish line
Let's take this chance don't think too deep
Of all those promises we couldn?t seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here

Standing here face to face
A finger on your lips
Don't say a word don't make a sound
Silence surrounds us now
Even when you were gone I felt you everywhere
Let' start from here, lose the past
Change our minds, we don?t need a finish line
Let's take this chance don't think too deep
Of all those promises we couldn?t seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here
Let's start from here

I've never been the one to open up
But you've always been the voive within
The only warmth from my cold heart
Let's start from here, lose the past
Change our minds, we don't need a finish line
Let's take this chance don't think too deep
Of all those promises
Let's start from here, lose the past
Change our minds, we don't need a finish line
Let's take this chance don't think too deep
Of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here
Let's start from here
Let's start from here
Let's start from here


任我出去任我飛 遊蕩兩日又重踏這地 
沒有牽掛就會死 難道我靈魂被你收起 
自己都管不了自己 太多錯誤經已因你起 
我都知 再找你 連幸福都要放棄 

其實你有多好 到別處碰不到 至令我重返這條路 
臨近晚節不保 卻行到這一步 難道天空海闊再無芳草 

*願我可以學會放低你 就讓我重頭來過物色新知己 
 望著你的臉如山水一般優美 要走的我總企在原地

 願我可以絕到踢走你 但是我如何能拒絕張開的臂 
 自問我可以贏你但喜歡輸給你 猶像你親於我自己 
 我怎可以 一刀切下來 親手傷你* 

其實你有多好 到別處碰不到 美麗到危險的程度 
臨近晚節不保 卻行到這一步 沿路的山丘已化成焦土 


我只可以將心割下來 親手給你


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